Unknown Legend

She's been running half her life
the chrome and steel she rides
colliding with the very air she breathes

A Turkey Named Brotherhood

Happy Thanksgiving

This is how I feel today.

Raising Arizona

Where is my Mind?

Way out in the water
see it swimming.

Story Series: Fatale

this will be like a weird picture book where the story is what you make of it


Life and Times

First photo credited to Amelia Beamish, art installation in Philadelphia

blog about the pandas

Drunkingly blogging about the baby panda babies. i love them so much i have them on my desktop. deep stuff, goodnight

Alien Interpretation


This whole series both repulses and fascinates me. I like that

Go ask Alice

This is how I feel today.

This was a Pizza Hut

Don't leave me stranded here,
I can't get used to this lifestyle


She and Him

A few gems
